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Music at First

Welcome! Whether you are a musician looking to serve the church in a dynamic music ministry or enjoy attending our concerts we hope that you feel right at home here at First United Methodist Church.


If you would like to learn more about joining our music ministries, please reach out.

Soli Deo Gloria!
David Bellows, Director of Traditional Music Ministries
Phone: (252) 237-6121, ext. 15

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Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir sings at the 11:00AM service on Sunday mornings. This group rehearses in the Choir Room on Wednesdays at 6:30PM and before the service Sunday mornings at 10:30AM. Beyond offering beautiful choral music on Sunday mornings, the choir also performs
two choral concerts each year.


The Choir is open to everyone.


Please contact, David Bellows, Director of Traditional Music Ministries, if you would like to join this group.

David’s email:

Handbell Choir

The Handbell Choir plays September to May and plays in worship about once a month at the 11:00AM services. This group rehearses on Tuesdays at 6:30PM in the Watson Class Room. There are two requirements to join this group – the ability to read music and director’s discretion. Please contact David Bellows, Director of Traditional Music Ministries, if you would like to join this group.


David’s email:

Handbell Choir

Children's Choir

Children's Choir

The Children’s Choir sings throughout the year in worship and is open to all children 4 years old to fifth grade. This groups rehearses in the Choir Room on Sundays at 5:00PM during the Green Street kids Sunday evening program. During our rehearsal time we have fun singing, learning about music and our Christian faith.


Please contact, David Bellows, Director of Traditional Music Ministries, if you would like to join this group.


David’s email:


Praise Band

The Praise Band leads worship at the 9:00AM Contemporary Service. This group of dedicated instrumentalists and singers rehearses on Thursdays at 6:30PM in Asbury Hall. The Praise Band is open to anyone interested.


Please contact, Blythe Evans, if you would like to join this group.
Blythe’s email:

Our Instruments

Petty-Madden Pipe Organ (1989) - 3 Manuals – 41 ranks
Richard Kingston Harpsichord (2004) - 2 Manuals

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