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FUMC will host an Emergency Response Training (ERT) event on Saturday, March 1. It will be led by the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). ERTs fill a specific need in the early days after a disaster to help to prevent further damage while providing a caring Christian presence. ERT Classes help participants understand how United Methodists are involved during a disaster, how we get prepared for a disaster, and what we can do when a disaster strikes. It will be from 8:30-4:30; snacks and lunch will be provided. Cost is $20 for training.
Register by clicking here or by calling the church office at 237-6121.
Thanks to your help and generosity we've already collected almost $10,000 to send to UMCOR as well as raised enough money to package and send 60 flood buckets to Western North Carolina. We are diligently researching ways to get a team out to the mountains to assist with clean up as quickly and as safely as possible. If you're interested in learning more, please fill out the form below.
Check back to this page often - we plan to update it as well as we make definitive plan, but we hope to send multiple crews out West in the coming months. You do not need experience to assist with this mission project - just a willing heart!
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