
FUMC Kids programs are for kids from 4 years old - 5th grade! As a whole, our aim is to partner with parents to raise a next generation that will confidently follow Jesus in everything they do!
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This years Calendar Download - TBD
Contact our Children's and Family Pastor for more information HannahBland@Fumcwilson.org

Green Street
GSK is our Sunday night program that is from Labor day till Memorial day on Sunday evenings from 5PM - 7PM. Kids pack dinner and enjoy an excitement filled evening with games, crafts, music, service projects and interactive lessons.
Children's Church
We have children's church on Sunday mornings from Labor Day till Memorial Day at our 9 AM and 11 AM services. Children's Church begins after the children's moment in our main service and teaches kids biblical lessons in a fun and engaging way that helps them practically learn how to apply it to their lives.

Special Events
FUMC Kids has events from nerf battles (Fall and spring), Egg Hunts (Palm Sunday), Trunk Or Treat Bashes (Sunday before Halloween), Parent Child Dances (February), Family Movie Nights (December), Vacation Bible School (June), and more throughout the year! Checkout our events tab to see what is coming up!
Our nursery is available from 8:45 AM on Sunday mornings until 12:15 PM. Our trained nursery staff looks to ensure that your child is safe, comfortable and cared for.