The primary game piece for The Game of Life is a car with 6 holes in it. The idea is that there will be companions added as you play the game. While The Game of Life limits the companions to a spouse, children, and pets, we know that our relational network is much more expansive. Relationships matter. They are crucial for a full and meaningful life. God created us as social creatures. Through meaningful connections with others, we find both joy and strength in our lives.
The problem is that relationships are complex. While they are absolutely necessary for a fulfilling life, they also are difficult to maintain. We are imperfect people. We love and are loved by equally imperfect people. This leads to disagreements, conflicts, and alienation. The only way to maintain relationships is with humility and an eye towards reconciliation.
This Sunday’s sermon will focus on six simple words that are key for healthy relationships. Three words, “I am sorry,” represent confession and contrition. The other three, “I forgive you,” reflect a willingness to forgive and start anew. Both require a humble disposition of the soul. We will be looking both at the biblical call for these six words as well as some practical guidance to make them a part of our lives.