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Image by Greg Rosenke

From our Pastor

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A message from Mike Frese

This Saturday, October 5th, kicks off Mission Week at First UMC. This year, our work will have both an international and local focus. We will gather at 10:00 a.m. (9:00 a.m. set-up) in the Fellowship Hall to package 10,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger. This is a mission project for people of all ages. While you can register on Saturday, it would be easier and quicker if you take a moment to register online. Here is the link for our event: Then, on Saturday, October 12, we will gather again to help members and friends around town with various tasks, as well as do some work in the church’s playground.


On Sunday, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. Started in 1933, the purpose of World Communion Sunday is to promote a Christian unity around the table of our Lord. On the first Sunday of October, most local churches will celebrate Communion. In this common act, we set aside differences of theology, language, nation of origin and remember that we are united in our faith in Jesus Christ. As Paul states in Ephesian 4:5-4, “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.”


The sermon this Sunday will focus on Moses’ response to God’s revelation in the burning bush and God’s call for him to be an agent of liberation for the people of Israel. Despite having an intimate conversation with God and even though God shared with him the divine, covenantal name, Moses is overwhelmed by the task set before him. He comes up with a variety of excuses as to why he is not able to fulfill God’s request. I’m sure we can resonate with Moses’ situation. There are times when we sense a calling that is above our ability. However, to each of Moses’ concerns, God offers reassurance. Could it be that God will do the same for us in our calling? Join us in worship and discover the empowering presence of God.

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