
First UMC offers multiple ways for you to get involved with one another and our community. Just click to learn more!
FUMC Kids is for 4year olds through 5th graders! We meet weekly for meals, choir, devotions, games and more! Find out more about all the fun things our littlest ones do to worship Jesus.
Our youth group is for 6th grade through 12 grade students. We meet weekly for meals, devotions, small groups, and throw in mission work and retreats in between!
We offer several Sunday School and Small group options along with Bible studies throughout the year for adults!
Love music? So do we! We offer lots of ways for you to enjoy or perform, no matter what style you prefer! We have a beautiful chancel choir, handbell choir, and children's choir for you and your family to enjoy or participate in! Or if you prefer - connect with our amazing praise band that praises the Lord each Sunday in our contemporary service or reach out to our youth leader about joining our youth praise band!
Being the hands and feet of Jesus is a passion at First UMC. Learn about the different opportunities for Mission work for all ages by clicking here!
We offer so many ways for you to connect to others in the faith community or help the church run smoothly throughout the week or month. Visit this page to learn more!