
Sunday School & Small Groups
We believe one of the best ways to nurture your spiritual formation is through Sunday School and Small groups. First UMC offers several Sunday School options during the 10am hour. We are in the process of reorganizing our small groups for young and middle adults and teenagers. If you have any interest in leading one of these groups, please contact us at fumcwilson@fumcwilson.org.
Pathfinders Class: Focusing onBible Study and church history, this class is an interactive discussion group. We often have guest facilitators, including members of our pastoral staff. Please join us in the chapel of the Sanctuary building.
Hardison Class: Meeting for over 30 years, this lay-led group discusses how community and world issues relate to living a Christian life. We meet upstairs in the Hardison Classroom of the Sanctuary building and invite you to join our discussion.
Bradshaw Class: This class, organized in the late 1940s, uses the Adult Bible Studies International Lesson Series and is taught by several dynamic leaders. We enjoy singing from the Cokesbury Hymnal each Sunday and are active participants in church and community events. Always welcoming new members, we meet in Room 108 (the Church Parlor) of the Blackburn Building.
Transforming Lives: This small group meets every Sunday morning at 10am. We use DVD-based studies with a strong emphasis on spiritual reflection. We meet in Room 202 of the Blackburn Building and are taught by Lorrie Halverson.
Women to Women: Focusing on issues relating to women of all ages, we offer unique devotional programs combing inspiration, Bible Study, Bible promises, and prayer. Meeting int he Conference Room in the church office area, we welcome all women to join us.
First Methodist Women
The organized unit of the First Methodist Women (formerly United Methodist Women) is very active in supporting local ministries that focus on women, children, and youth. The annual Pledge to Missions also provides funds for the global church family.
FUMC offers four FMW circles for women to join. You do not have to be a member of the church to join a circle or attend a meeting! Learn more about our circles below and figure out which is best for you!
Active Faith Circle: We are the newest circle at FUMC and having a great time finding our niche! The Active Faith circle typically meets on the first Monday of each month. We love to gather for fellowship, devotion, games, food, yoga, retreats, and more! Our main mission focus is on college-aged students, but we are always looking for other opportunities to reach out to young people.
Hope Circle: Hope Circle is made up of mostly retired women in their 60’s and 70’s who enjoy “ hands on” mission projects and gathering together for fellowship and service.
Joyful Hands Circle: Coming Soon!
Laura Davenport Circle: Coming Soon!

Active Faith Circle shows off their paintings from a fun evening of fellowship, food, and fun after a paint night in downtown Wilson!

Hope Circle pauses for a picture while serving together at the Community Soup Kitchen in downtown Wilson.
United Methodist Men

Our United Methodist Men meet on the first Friday of every month at 7am in the Asbury Fellowship Hall for a delicious, home-cooked breakfast. They enjoy a time of devotion and fellowship! You do not need to sign up to attend - just show up! All men are welcome!